What Size Tumbling Mat Should I Get For A Child?

If you're thinking about getting a tumbling mat for your child, you might be wondering what size is best. Here's a quick guide to help you choose the right size tumbling mat for your little one.

What Space You Already Have Available

When looking for an appropriate tumbling mat, the first thing to consider is the space you have available. If you have limited space, a smaller mat may be more convenient. However, a smaller mat won't provide as much of a cushion for falls. If you're looking for a mat that provides cushioning as well as being portable, consider jigsaw matting. Second, how often do you plan on using the mat? If you plan on using it frequently, you may want to consider getting a larger activity mat with a PVC cover so you can practice safely and comfortably. No matter what size you choose, make sure to get one that's made from high-quality materials and has a non-slip surface.

Child's Age And Height

When choosing a tumbling mat for your child, it is important to consider their age and height. A younger child may be able to use a smaller mat, while an older child or taller child may need a larger size. The size of the mat will affect how comfortable it is for your child to use, and will also affect their ability to do certain tricks and stunts. This is because the younger child has less muscle mass and is not as strong as an older or taller child. Therefore, they will not be able to balance as well on a larger mat. Be sure to choose the right size mat for your child to ensure they have the best possible experience while tumbling.

Length And Width Of The Mat

The length of the mat should be appropriate for your child’s height. The width of the mat should also be taken into consideration, as it should be wide enough so that your child can safely tumble without running off the edge.

Material Of The Mat

Tumbling mats are made from a variety of materials, including cross-linked PE foam and PVC . PE foam is a much softer material than PVC, making it a safer choice for children's play areas. In addition, jigsaw activity mats are easy to assemble and disassemble, making them great for travel or storing them away when you are not using them. On the other hand, PVC tumbling mats are great for children because they provide a soft surface for them to tumble and fall on. This can help reduce the chances of them getting injured when they fall. Additionally, the mats can help improve their balance and coordination.
Now that you know how to pick the right size tumbling mat for your kiddo, get shopping! A quality mat will last years and can provide hours of fun. Be sure to measure the space before making a purchase and don’t forget to factor in age and needs when choosing length and width. Purchase your Beemat tumbling mat today!

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